Transit Visa (G-visa) is issued to a foreign citizen who is to transit through China on his or her way to a third country(or region)
i. Please provide the following documents:
(i) Original passport which has more than six months left before it expires from the date of application and at least 2 blank visa pages as well as a photocopy of current passport's photo page.
(ii) One completed Visa Application Form with a recently-taken colored passport photo (no hat, no veiling) affixed on it; all the items on the application form should be completed neatly with genuine information; if the applicant has a Chinese name, the Chinese name should be filled in; false or incomplete information and illegible handwriting may lead to refusal of visa.
(iii) Applicants who have been granted Chinese visa(s) before, should provide copies of recent Chinese visa with entry record. In case they are not on the current passport, copies of the previous passport with the above data are required.
(iv)Foreign nationals who once held Chinese nationality,
(1) who apply for Chinese visa for the first time, should submit the former Chinese passport (the Consulate General will cancel its validity), HK/Macau SAR passport, or Taiwan travel document.
(2) who have been granted Chinese visa(s) before, should do as point "(iii)" requires.
(v) Non-Australian passport holders, besides meeting the above points, should provide valid Australian visa as well as entry record, both the original and the copy.
Applicants who are in Australia free of visa or with ETA and electronic visa, Australian entry record should be provided, both the original and the copy.
(vi) A valid visa to and an onward air ticket on international flight to the destination country or region.
ii. Method of application and Time for processing
(i) Method: An applicant may submit his or her visa application to the Consulate in person or entrust someone or a travel agency to submit on his or her behalf.
(ii) Visa processing time: Regular pick-up time is the fourth working day. The Consulate offers express service or rush service. For express service, visa will be ready for collection beteen 9:00am and 12:00pm on the third working day. For rush service, visa is ready for collection between 9:00am and 12:00pm on the second working day.
(iii) Mail service is not provided.
iii.Visa fee, period of validity and duration of stay
(i) For visa fee please see 'fee table'.
(ii)visa and service fees will be paid when collecting passport; money order,bank cheque,company cheque and credit card (Visa and Master card) are acceptable. Cash and personal cheques are not acceptable. Please make cheques and money orders payable to Chinese Consulate in Perth.
(iii) Unless specifically requested by the applicant and approved by Consular Officers, G-visa is valid for three months with 7-day duration of each stay.
iv. Please Note:
(i) Please apply for a visa about one month in advance of your intended date of entry into China, and do not apply three months earlier. You should take upon yourself any consequences resulting from your failure to submit visa application at an appropriate time, which may lead to either your already-issued visa becoming expired or it would be too late to get a visa before your planned departure date.
(ii) The visa application form should be fully filled in and signed by the applicant upon completion (application for an applicant under 16 years old should be signed by one of his or her parents). Items which are not applicable should be filled in with N/A.
(iii) Whether applicants come to the Consulate by themselves or consign others for the visa application, the applicant should sign on the application form (except the under-16-year-old children). Any information correction by the consignee is supposed to be confirmed by the applicant.
(iv) Once submitted, the visa application can not be corrected or cancelled. No visa application documents will be returned, please copy it yourself in advance if necessary.
(v) Consular Officers decide on whether a visa is to be issued or not, what type of visa is to be issued, the visa's period of validity, duration of stay and number of entry in the light of China's laws and regulations. Consular Officers may request an applicant to provide additional supporting documents or have an interview with the applicant when needed. The applicant should submit them as soon as possible. Therefore, the visa collection date will be postponed as well. Chinese Consulates General is not responsible for any related economic losses and legal consequences if your visa application is rejected.
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