Diabetes can cause blood vessel and nerve damage if uncontrolled
over time. These may cause complications like:
- Loss of eye
- Disease of the
heart and blood flow
- Kidney damage
- Loss of
resistance to skin, kidney and other infections
- Impotence in men
- Stroke
- High blood
- Neuralgia (nerve
- Gangrene and
sores resulting in amputation of the leg
- Eat regular,
healthy meals and do not skip meals
- Take your
medication as directed
- Control weight
- Consult our
doctors/pharmacists on how to lose weight
- Exercise
regularly (30mins walk daily is ideal)
- Only drink
alcohol in moderation
- Go for regular
check-ups for blood pressure, blood glucose, kidney and liver functions.
- Foot care
- wear fitting
and comfortable shoes
- Eye care
- have an eye
examination every 2 yrs
- Quit- smoking
- Consult our
doctors/pharmacists for further information.
- Self-monitoring
- Consult our
for a simple home-used glucometer so that you can monitor your blood
glucose regularly.
Do I
have diabetes?
doctor will need to take your medical history, conduct a physical examination
and test your blood before diabetes can be diagnosed.
- Fasting blood
glucose test
Diabetes is diagnosed if blood glucose level ≥7.0mmol/L
- Random blood
glucose test
Diabetes is suspected if blood glucose level ≥11.1mmol/L with signs and
- Oral glucose
tolerance test
Diabetes is diagnosed if the blood glucose level is ≥11.1mmol/L 2 hrs
after drinking a 75g glucose solution.
HbA1c Test
HbA1c is a term often used in relation to diabetes and
this guide explains what HbA1c is, how it's used for diabetes diagnosis and how it differs
from blood glucose levels.
What is HbA1c?
HbA1c occurs when haemoglobin joins with
glucose in the blood. Haemoglobin molecules make up the red blood cells in the
blood stream. When glucose sticks to these molecules it forms a glycoslated
haemoglobin molecule – also known as A1c and HbA1c. The more glucose found in
the blood, the more haemoglobin will be present.
How does HBA1c return an accurate average measurement?
Due to the fact that red blood cells
survive for 8-12 weeks before renewal, by measuring HbA1c an average blood
glucose reading can be returned. For non-diabetics, the usual reading is
3.5-5.5%. For people with diabetes, an HbA1c level of 6.5% is considered good
control, although some prefer numbers closer to non-diabetis
Why measure HbA1c?
In addition to random
fasting blood glucose levels, HbA1c levels are routinely measured in the
monitoring of people with diabetes. HbA1c levels depend on the blood glucose
concentration. That is, the higher the glucose concentration in blood, the
higher the level of HbA1c. Levels of HbA1c are not influenced by daily
fluctuations in the blood glucose concentration but reflect the average glucose
levels over the prior six to eight weeks. Therefore, HbA1c is a useful
indicator of how well the blood glucose level has been controlled in the recent
past (over two to three months) and may be used to monitor the effects of diet, exercise,
and drug therapy on blood glucose in people with diabetes.
In healthy people the HbA1c
level is less than 6% of total hemoglobin. Studies have demonstrated that the
complications of diabetes can be delayed or prevented if the HbA1c level can be
kept below 7%. It is recommended that treatment of diabetes be directed at
keeping an individual's HbA1c level as close to normal as possible (<6 blood="" episodes="" glucose="" hypoglycemia="" levels="" low="" o:p="" of="" without="">
Now DIABEGARD come out with
a promotion. Free HbA1c Test!*
If you buy 3 bottles of 120
tablets you are qualified for HbA1c test*. Please make a call to us to state
your location and details. We will get an appointment with the nearest
laboratory which provides this service to you. Klang Valley residents,you can
contact WellAgain Klinik Holistic Healthcare in Bandar Sunway (03-5621 5288)
for more information on your free HbA1c .
*Terms & Condition apply
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